Channel: Time Management – Brian Tracy
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Earn More Money and More Time. Eliminate the Time Wasters!


quality of life-time management skills-time wasters-importance of time managementIt’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.

George Horace Lorimer

To be fully rounded as a person, you need to know the importance of time management. You and your quality of life requires a worldview that recognizes time as the one invaluable, indispensable, irreplaceable ingredient of a successful, happy, highly productive life. You need an attitude toward time as something more than the clock or the calendar.

Get Rid of all Your Time Wasters!

Time is your scarcest resource, you must use your intelligence to preserve it in every way possible, and to acquire more time whenever you can by eliminating all time wasters. Improving your time management skills will inevitably improve your quality of life. Whenever possible, you should trade money for time. The money is replaceable, but the time is not.

FREE REPORT: Step-by-step guide on Goal Setting, a $20 value.

Whenever you can, you should hire people to do tasks of lower value so that you can create more time for yourself, your family and your work.

If you aspire to earn $50,000 per year, which translates into about $25.00 per hour, you must never do work that does not pay $25.00 per hour or more. You should hire other people to do anything that they will do for less than $25.00 per hour. If you can hire someone for $5.00 or $6.00 per hour to mow your lawn or clean your house, you should pay the money willingly to free up your time for higher value activities.

Know the importance of time management and apply these same time management skills to your spouse. Many of the successful executives and entrepreneurs with a strong grasp of this concept are able to go home and change their spouse’s lifestyle. They encourage them to hire housekeepers, gardeners and personal assistants to do errands and go shopping. They “buy their freedom” so that they can enjoy a higher quality of life, and spend more time with the family and in personal pursuits. The payoff for both parties is often extraordinary.

Improve Your Time Management Skills

Keep track of how efficiently you use your time. The more you think about how you are spending your minutes and hours, the better and more precise you will become at time management. Because they do not monitor their time usage, most people are not even aware of the amount of time they waste each hour.

Get a wristwatch with an alarm that beeps every fifteen minutes. Each time the alarm sounds, stop and observe yourself. Look at what you are doing at that moment. If possible, keep a time log and make a note of what you are doing each time the alarm rings. Ask yourself regularly, “Is what I am doing right now the very best use of my time?”

All of life is the study of attention. The more attention you pay to the way you are using your time and your biggest time wasters, the more efficient and productive you are likely to be. The more aware you are of the fleeting nature of time, the better you will use it, while increasing your quality of life.

Spend Your Time Like Money

When you take the short view, you look upon every request for your time as taking away from the amount of time you have left on earth. Continually ask yourself, “How much of my life am I willing to donate or spend on this particular person, situation or activity.”

Your time is at least equal to your hourly rate. If your hourly rate is $25.00 and someone wants an hour of your time, that person is, in effect, asking you for a gift of $25.00. If someone asks you to donate your time to a particular cause or activity, you have to ask yourself, “How important is that cause or activity to me, and how much of my time and money am I willing to donate to it?”

If a person or activity is not important enough for you to open you wallet and peel off $20.00 bills to give to it, you must discipline yourself not to do it. Just say “No!”

Improve Your Quality of Life

Be selfish with your time in order to improve your quality of life. Remember, your time is your life, and this life is not a rehearsal for something else. Say “no” to requests for your time that don’t move you toward your own goals and personal aspirations. When you say “No,” people will often express a little disappointment, or even a try to make you feel guilty. Nonetheless, you should stick to your guns. Their shallow disapproval will only last for a few seconds, and then they will be off to someone else to ask them to donate their time or money. And you will be free and your quality of life will dramatically improve.

In developing a philosophy of time management, treat your time like money. Allocate your time at your hourly rate. Use this hourly rate as a measuring tool for everything you do.

Concentrate your efforts on high value tasks, on tasks that can pay you what you want to earn. If you want to earn $25.00 per hour, continually ask yourself, “Is what I am doing right now the sort of work that pays $25.00 per hour or more?” If it is not, discipline yourself to stop doing it. Discipline yourself to only do work that pays what you really want to earn.

Know the Importance of Time Management

In developing your philosophy of time management, continually remind yourself that you cannot manage time. You can only manage yourself. Time management is life management. Time management requires self-control, self-mastery, and self-discipline. Time management behaviors and disciplines are skill that you can learn through practice and repetition. Eventually, your ability to manage yourself and your life will become automatic and easy and you will improve your overall quality of life.

Time management is a lifestyle that must be practiced every hour, every day, all the days of your life. It is the one habit, the one discipline that is essential to everything else you want to achieve. With excellent time management skills and practices, there are no limits.

Thank you for reading this article about eliminating time wasters while improving the quality of life by improving your time management skills. Please share and comment below!

Topics included in this article are

Time Wasters

Quality of Life

Time Management Skills

Importance of Time Management

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

Earn More Money and More Time. Eliminate the Time Wasters! is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

7 Leverage Factors: Your Key to Business Success


self-made millionaires-key to success-business success-time managementSuccess is a learnable skill. It would be terrible for you to be held back in life because you lack one easily learnable skill that could enable you to multiply your results and possibilities. The key to success is effective time management and continuous learning. 

In military parlance they use an expression ‘force multiplier.’ A force multiplier is what enables a smaller force to defeat a larger force. One of the force multipliers that we study are, speed; a smaller force moving with greater speed can take advantage of an opening. Another is intelligence. In business the force multiplier of intelligence means that you learn and you know things about your customers, your markets and your potential that other people don’t, that enable you to get a market advantage.

Become a Self-Made Millionaire With These Leverage Factors

In order to become a self-made millionaire, you must follow these 7 force multipliers or leverage factors so that you can use it in your work to get vastly more done.

1. Work Harder For Business Success

Just simply work harder. It’s amazing how lazy people are, and how little they work and how much time they waste. So if you make a decision to just work hard when you get to work, concentrate on your task, put your whole heart into what you’re doing and just work, work, work, you’ll find that one of the greatest reasons for success in life is that people work harder. Eighty-five percent of self-made millionaires said that the reason they became millionaires starting with nothing was because they worked harder than their competitors. They worked harder than other people. And you can do the same thing.

2. Work Faster

Pick up the pace. Pick up the tempo. Imagine that you’re in a heck of a hurry and just work quickly. Do your jobs quickly and get back to people quickly. A great time management principle I learned was the principle of working in real time. That means that when something comes up, deal with it now. When you get a phone message, phone back immediately. When you have to make a decision, make it immediately. When you have to answer an email that’s important, do it now. Don’t accumulate tasks. If the task can be done in less than 2 minutes, in almost every case you should do it right away, and then get back to your main task.

3. Work Longer

This again is one of the great secrets of success. Start a little earlier, work a little harder, stay a little later. Come in one hour earlier and get your day planned and get your work under way before anybody else gets there. Work through lunchtime. Don’t go out for lunch, just eat quickly and then get back to work, and do more work. Then, work an hour longer. Let everybody go home and crowd all the streets. You just go in behind them in the slipstream, and you’ll get home at pretty much the same time. But, you’ll get twice as much done if you start a little earlier, work a little harder and stay a little later.

FREE REPORT: Step-by-step guide on Goal Setting, a $20 value.

Here’s one of the great secrets for success; always be there when your boss arrives and always be there when your boss leaves. The boss will not mention it or comment on it for a while, but at a certain point in time everything will start to change for you. You will become known as the go-to person. You’ll become known as the person that, “If you want something done, go to him or her.”

So working longer is really important and can literally put you on the side of the angels. And if you combine that with working harder and working faster, you’ll double and triple your productivity, virtually the first day.

4. The Key to Success is Working Together

Work in teams; work with other people. There are some tasks that take an enormous amount of time for a single person to do but with a large group of people, each one specializing and doing part of the task, you can get a tremendous amount done.

I was at a summer fair where a home builder raffled off a new home and they said that whoever won the home they would build if for them in basically 48 hours. And that’s what they did. They used a series of crews and literally built the entire home in two days. Normally it would take at least six to eight weeks to build but they did it in 48 hours with everyone working harder, faster, longer, and specializing in their particular area.

5. Do More Important Things

This is a great leverage factor. The 80/20 rule; 20% of what you do accounts for 80% of your results. If you have a list of ten things to do, two of those items will be worth more than all the others put together. Discipline yourself to work on those items that are most important because you are producing 5 or 10 times as much working on your top tasks as working on your average tasks.

6. Cluster Similar Tasks For Effective Time Management

This is one of the great time management tools. Do all your reports at once; do all of your proposals at once, all of your prospecting calls at once. Whatever they are, do them all together rather than one here and one there, and one at another time during the day. What happens is that when you do a whole series of similar tasks together you get onto what is called the learning curve. Whereas the first task may take ten minutes, the next one will take nine, the next one eight, and the next one only seven minutes. Pretty soon, you’ll be burning through the tasks at two to three minutes at a time. You’ll save 50 – 80% of the time on each subsequent task. You’ll get more done that you can possibly imagine. So do similar tasks together.

7. Get Better at Your Key Tasks

Get better at the most important and most valuable things you do, and do them faster and do them harder and get them done.

Now here is one of the greatest of all rules, and it comes from a study by Robert Half International who found that 50% of all working time is wasted. Fifty percent of all working time is spent on things of low value or no value. Fifty percent of working time is spent in idle chit-chat with coworkers, checking email, reading the paper, drinking coffee, going for breaks and lunches, coming in late, leaving early, going shopping, and personal business. So here is the way that you overcome this natural, habitual, comfort zone, path of least resistance tendency to waste time and work, and that is to “work all the time you work.”

Thank you for reading this article about how you can achieve business success through excellent time management. Self-made millionaires are willing to put in the extra time and work in order to achieve all of their goals. Please share and comment below!

Topics included in this article are

Self-Made Millionaires

Key to Success

Time Management

Business Success

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

7 Leverage Factors: Your Key to Business Success is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

4 Time Management Tips For Work-Life Balance


Time Managemet-Work-Life Balance-Quality Of Life-Positive AffirmationsI know how busy you are, and even reading a blog on time management is something that you seldom have the time to do. I promise you will learn more practical and immediately usable ideas, methods, strategies and techniques for getting more done to have a work-life balance, and improve your quality of life.

Time management behaviors are very much a matter of choice. You choose to be efficient or you choose to be disorganized. You choose to focus and concentrate on your highest-value tasks, or you choose to spend your time on activities that contribute little value to your life. You choose to be positive or you choose to be negative. And you are always free to choose your quality of life.

Choose To Manage Your Time

The starting point of overcoming your previous programming, and eliminating the mental blocks to time management, is for you to make a clear, unequivocal decision to become excellent at the way you use your time. You must decide, right here and now, that you are going to become an expert in time management to improve your quality of life. Your aim should be to manage your time so well that people look up to you and use you as a role model for their own work habits. There are four time management tips that you can use to program yourself for peak performance to improve your work-life balance.

1. The Power Of Positive Affirmations

Positivity will change your quality of life and is the first of these methods for programming your subconscious mind is “positive self-talk,” or the use of positive affirmations. These are commands that you pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are statements that you either say out loud or say to yourself with the emotion and enthusiasm that drives the words into your subconscious mind as new operating instructions. Begin by repeating positive affirmations over and over to yourself, “I am excellent at time management! I am excellent at time management!” Any command or positive affirmation repeated over and over again in a spirit of faith, acceptance and belief, will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind.

To improve your time management, you can continually repeat positive affirmations; “I have a work-life balance!” or “I concentrate easily on my highest pay-off tasks!” My favorite time management affirmation is, “I use my time well. I use my time well. I use my time well.” When you repeat positive affirmation over and over, they are eventually accepted by your subconscious mind. You will then find that your external behaviors will start to reflect your internal programming to improve your work-life balance and quality of life.

2. Visualize Your Time Management Skills

The second technique that you can use to program your subconscious mind is through visualization. Mental pictures most immediately influence your subconscious mind. In self-image psychology, the person you see is the person you will be through positive affirmations. Begin to see yourself as well organized, efficient and effective in time management. Recall and recreate memories and pictures of yourself when you were performing at your best. Think of a time when you were working efficiently and effectively, and getting through an enormous amount of work. Play this picture of yourself over and over again on the screen of your mind.

3. Create A Work-Life Balance Through Positive Affirmations

This time management method is simple. First, you sit or lie in a quiet place where you can be completely alone in the silence. Through positive affirmations, imagine yourself going through an important upcoming experience, such as a meeting, a presentation, a negotiation or even a date that would improve your work-life balance and your quality of life. As you sit or lie completely relaxed, create a picture of the coming event and see it unfolding perfectly in every respect. See yourself as calm, positive, happy and in complete control. See the other people doing and saying exactly what you would want them to do if the situation was perfect.

4. Change Your Quality Of Life

The third mental technique will change the quality of life you experience through time management. Imagine that you have been selected for a role in a movie or stage play. In this role, you are to act the part of a person who is extremely well organized in every respect. As you go through your daily life, imagine you are an actor who is playing this part, who is already very good at time management. Act as if you are already using your time efficiently and well.

Action Exercise

Pretend that you are an expert in personal efficiency and time management. Fake it until you make it. When you pretend that you are excellent in time management, eventually the action, which is under your direct control, will develop the mindset or the belief in your subconscious mind. If you need to improve your time management skills to have a work-life balance begin using positive affirmations to visualize the quality of life that you want!

For extra help with time management and work-life balance download my FREE Time Management Report based off my best selling book, Eat that Frog! Please share, like and comment if you found this article helpful.

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

4 Time Management Tips For Work-Life Balance is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

4 Must Know To-Do Lists To Prioritize Tasks


organizational skills-to-do list-prioritize tasksDo you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have, or have you missed an important deadline? Or have you ever forgotten to do something important?

These are symptoms of lacking organizational skills needed to prioritize tasks with a proper to-do list. To-do lists are key for efficiency because they list everything that you have to do, the most important tasks at the top, and the least important tasks at the bottom.

Leverage Your Organizational Skills

Your ability to improve your organizational skills and prioritize tasks is a measure of your overall competence. The better the plan you have, even if as simple as creating a to-do list, the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination and get started, to eat that frog and keep going.

One of your top goals at work should be for you to prioritize tasks by using your organizational skills to get the highest possible return on your investment of mental, emotional and physical energy. The good news is that every minute spent planning saves as many as ten minutes in execution. It only takes about ten or twelve minutes for you to prioritize tasks by planning out your day and create a to-do list. This small investment of time will save you at least two hours (100-120 minutes) in wasted time and diffused effort throughout the day.

Create Your To-Do List

Put your organizational skills to work and prioritize tasks by always working from a list. When something new comes up, add it to the list before you do it. By knowing how to prioritize tasks, you can increase your productivity and output by 25% or more from the first day that you begin working consistently from a list.

Improve your organizational skills and make out your to-do list the night before, at the end of the workday. Move everything that you have not yet accomplished onto your to-do list for the coming day and then add everything that you have to do the next day. When you make out your to-do list the evening or the night before, our subconscious mind works on your list all night long while you sleep.

Time Management Tools

Often you will wake up with great ideas and insights that you can prioritize tasks and use to get your job done faster and better than you had initially thought. The more time you take to make written lists of everything you have to do, in advance, the more effective and efficient you will be.

Learn how to prioritize tasks and get more done in less time by taking this complete Time Management Assessment for FREE by clicking HERE. This time management analysis, valued at $295, is the same tool I’ve used to consult with thousands of people over the last 30 years, and now it’s my gift to you.

Your 4 Master Lists

There are four different lists that you need to create for different purposes to enhance your organizational skills and manage your time.

  1. First, you should create a master list on which you write down everything you can think of that you want to do some time in the future. This is the place where you capture every idea that comes to or every new task or responsibility that comes up. You can then prioritize tasks later.
  2. Second, you should have a monthly list that you make up at the end of the month for the month ahead. This may contain items transferred from your master list.
  3. Third, you should have a weekly list where you plan your entire week in advance. This is a list that is under construction as you go through the current week.
  4. Finally, you transfer items from your monthly and weekly lists onto your daily list. These are the specific activities that you are going to accomplish that day.

As you work through the day, tick off the items on your to-do list as you complete them. This activity gives you a visual picture of accomplishment and improves your organizational skills. It generates a feeling of success and forward motion.

Prioritize Tasks For Ultimate Efficiency

When you have a project of any kind, begin using your organizational skills by making a to-do list of every step that you will have to complete to finish the project from beginning to end. Prioritize tasks by organizing the project by priority and sequence. Lay it out in front of you on paper or on a computer so that you can see it. Then go to work on one task at a time. You will be amazed at how much you get done in this way.

As you work through your lists, you will feel more and more effective and powerful. You will feel more in control of your life. You will be naturally motivated to do even more. You will think better and more creatively and you will get more and better insights that enable you to do your work even faster.

Master Your Time

When you use organizational skills to prioritize tasks and plan each day in advance with a simple to-do list, your day will go by faster and smoother than ever before. You feel more powerful and competent. You eventually become unstoppable.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and you enjoyed it, please share and leave a comment. If you would like to learn more on how to zero in on the critical tasks and organize each day accordingly, order your copy of my “Eat That Frog!” Training Kit by clicking HERE.

Topics included in this article include:

Prioritize Tasks

Organizational Skills

To-Do List


About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

4 Must Know To-Do Lists To Prioritize Tasks is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

My Best Tips on How to Stop Procrastinating


how to stop procrastinating-time management-organizational skillsDo you need to learn how to stop procrastinating? The quality of your time management often determines the quality of your life. Your time management abilities and organizational skills can be the critical factor in your success as a sales professional.

The Keys to Time Management

In sales you are only working when you are face to face with a real, live prospect or customer. Top salespeople do their preparation and organizing work in non-selling time. They use time management and organizational skills to plan their weeks each weekend. They plan each day the night before. They plan and organize their sales work before the selling day, and in the evenings. They know how to stop procrastinating and focus on the most important tasks first. During the times that customers are available, they concentrate single mindedly on spending more time face to face with those customers. This is where the rubber meets the road.

How to Stop Procrastinating

A major time waster in selling is procrastination and delay. This occurs when you find every conceivable reason to put off getting out there and getting face to face with people who can and will buy within a reasonable period of time.

The fact is that everyone procrastinates. There is always too much to do and too little time. This is where your organizational skills as a salesperson come in.  The difference between successes and failures is determined by their choices about time management and what they procrastinate on. Losers procrastinate on the important things that can make a significant difference in their lives. Winners use organizational skills to procrastinate on low value tasks and activities, those things that make very little difference whether they are done or not.

Use Your Organizational Skills to Stop Wasting Time

Fully 50% of working time, in all fields, is wasted. Most of this wasted time is taken up with idle chit chatting with coworkers, coffee breaks and lunches, personal telephone calls and personal business, shopping, reading the newspaper and other useless activities that make no contribution to your work.

When people do work, the average person works about 32 hours per week. Of this, 16 hours is wasted and only 16 hours is spent doing the job. Of these 16 working hours, many of them are spent on low value activities, things that are fun and easy, rather than hard and necessary.

Resolve to Overcome Procrastination

What is the best way to learn how to stop procrastinating? The best way for you to learn is to plan each day in advance, set priorities on your activities, and then make your first sales call as early as you possibly can. Get up, get going, and get started. It seems that when you launch quickly into a workday, doing something important as early as possible, you will work at a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness all day long.

When you find yourself procrastinating or delaying, say to yourself, “Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!”

These words motivate you to get started. When you repeat them often enough, you drive this message deep into your subconscious mind where it serves as a trigger to get you going and keep you moving throughout the day.

Take Action

Your time management and organizational skills as a salesperson empower you with the knowledge to get going and to learn how to stop procrastinating. Learn how to prioritize tasks and get more done in less time by taking this complete Time Management Assessment for FREE by clicking HERE.

Thank you for reading my blog, if you enjoyed it please take the time to share and comment below.

Topics included in this article include:

How to Stop Procrastinating

Time Management

Organizational Skills


About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

My Best Tips on How to Stop Procrastinating is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

4 Time Management Steps to DOUBLE Your Productivity at Work


getting-things-done-time-management-hard-workHave you ever said to yourself, ‘‘I can’t get any work done at work?’’

75% of the time in any work environment there are never-ending distractions, interruptions, and telephone calls. Your job at work is to create chunks of time by using good time management and getting things done by motivating yourself in the office. Doing hard work at the office will help lead you to better productivity, and greater success in any job.

Time Management and Hard Work, Without Interruptions

The very fact that you know that you will not be interrupted enables you to concentrate better and produce more. If you are working at home, you should keep your phone off so that no calls can get through to you. Hard work without interruption for long periods is an extraordinarily powerful way to increase your output and get much better results at work.

Starting Earlier, Working Harder, Staying Later and Getting Things Done

There are 4 very simple techniques for getting things done that you can use to double your productivity, improve your time management skills and accelerate your results.

1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise. When you get up and get going early, you can get the equivalent of an entire day’s work done before the normal working day even begins. If you work from 5:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and then go to the office, you will soon be great at time management and on top of all your major tasks. Getting things done at work will be a bonus to you because you have already accomplished so much during your day.

2. Go into the office one hour earlier, before the workday begins. By leaving home early and getting into the office early, you will avoid most of the traffic. Since there is no one there to interrupt you, you can get started immediately. Often you will find yourself able to clear up an entire day’s work in that one hour.

3. Develop the habit of doing hard work straight through the typical lunch hour when almost everyone else has left the office. Company policy permitting, there is no law that says that you have to go for lunch when everyone else goes. There is no law that says that you have to eat lunch from twelve to one each day. You can take your lunch hour before noon or after one o’clock. In both cases, there will be no lunch-hour crowds or delays. You can eat quickly and be back at work with very little downtime. You can get in and out faster and you will get better service. You will be more productive.

4. Getting things done by working one extra hour after everyone goes home. This is one of the best ways for busy people to stay on top of their jobs. During that uninterrupted hour (which, as you know, is worth 3 hours during the day), you can clear up all your responsibilities, write your reports, dictate your correspondence, and plan the next day in detail. The key is to take those 60 to 90 minute chunks of time to do hard work without interruption. Close the door, turn off your cell phone, put your head down, and work without stopping for that one hour.

These are 4 very simple ways to increase your productivity just by working a little harder during the day. If you don’t believe me, try them for yourself. If you decrease your distractions at work and commit to working harder, you will accomplish so much more and get ahead at your job much faster. To learn more about how to increase your productivity at work and discipline yourself to get more done, download the first chapter of my book “No Excuses” HERE for FREE.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on time management, hard work, getting things done faster and doubling your productivity at work. If you liked reading, please comment and share this post with your friends.

Topics included in this article include:

Time Management

Getting Things Done

Hard Work

4 Time Management Steps to DOUBLE Your Productivity at Work is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

5 Must Know Time Management Tools


time management sense of urgency stay focusedIn order to make more money, you must produce more. This is why I am going to tell you about these easy time management tools you can use to stay focused and get more done.

There are two major sources of value in the world of work today. The first is time and the second is knowledge. Today, time is the currency of modern business. By using these 5 techniques you will put yourself on the fast track to success.

1) Develop a “Sense of Urgency”

The most important measure of time is speed. The most important quality that you can develop with regard to time is a “sense of urgency.” A sense of urgency is the habit of moving fast when opportunity presents itself to you. Develop a bias for action. Fast tempo is essential to success. All successful people not only work hard, hard, hard, but they work fast, fast, fast!

Everyone must stay focused on reducing the amount of time that it takes to get the same results. Customers will pay dearly for anyone who can reduce the time needed to get them the products and services they want. People will pay more for someone who can satisfy their needs faster than someone else.

If you want continue to learn more about something less than 2% of people have, but you need if you want to get on the fast track to success, check out my YouTube video about working with a sense of urgency.

2) Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is not only the thief of time; it is the thief of life. To outperform your competition, both inside and outside your organization, you must develop the time management habit of moving quickly when something needs to be done. You must develop a reputation for speed and dependability.

Study after study shows that those individuals with the best reputation for speed and dependability are the most valued in any organization. They are very quickly promoted onto the fast track in their careers.  Learn more about how to stop procrastinating from this short YouTube video to help you stay focused.

3) Develop Good Habits

The wonderful advantage of developing a sense of urgency and the habit of moving fast is that the faster you move, the better you get. This is because the faster you move, the more experience you get. The faster you move, the more you learn and the more competent you become.

The faster you move, the more energy and enthusiasm you have. People who move fast as a way of life soon develop a totally different temperament and personality than people who move slowly, or who take a casual attitude toward their work. Learn more from my YouTube video “Two Habits for Rapid Advancement

4) Work In Real Time

Whenever possible, do your work in “real time,” as soon as it comes up. Stay focused and do it now. It is amazing how much time you can waste by picking up a task and looking at it or starting it, and then putting it down and coming back to it again and again.

As a general rule, small tasks should be done immediately, as soon as they appear. This habit of taking action quickly will enable you to get through an enormous amount of work in a day. It will earn you a reputation for being the kind of person to give jobs to when someone needs them done quickly. To learn more about getting more done and how to better prioritize your tasks, read this blog on time management.

5) Stay Focused and Produce More Value

In its simplest terms, successful people are more productive than unsuccessful people.

Successful people have better habits. They dream bigger dreams. They work from written goals. They stay focused on what they need to get done. They practice these time management tools every day. They do what they love to do and they concentrate at getting better and better at it. They use their natural abilities to the fullest. They are continually generating ideas to solve problems and to achieve company goals. They focus on using every minute of their time to get maximum results.

Above all, they are constantly looking around them for opportunities to add value to everything they do. They have a sense of urgency and a bias for action. They work all the time they work. They develop and maintain a sense of forward momentum. As a result, they soon become unstoppable.

Take Action

Here are 5 tips that you can start to do today to take action and get more done. To learn more about what you are doing with your time, download my FREE assessment on time management tools “HERE

1. Identify the most valuable things you do at work. How can you organize your time so that you do more of them?

2. Develop the habit of punctuality. Start arriving to work 15 minutes early.

3. Start one hour earlier. Organize your day so that you come in and get started one hour earlier than your coworkers. Work through lunchtime, and stay one hour later. Read my blog “4 Time Management Steps to DOUBLE Your Productivity at Work” about why this action step is so important.

4. Work all the time you work. Don’t waste a minute. If someone tries to distract you, tell him that you have to get “back to work!” and then do it.

5. Implement the “40 Hours Plus Formula.” Work on your job, or work on yourself to get better at what you do, 50-60 hours each week. Working 40 hours a week should be your minimum. If you really want to get ahead in you career you must work 40 plus hours a week.

Thank you for reading my time management blog. You will only be more successful if you work harder tomorrow than you do today.

Please share this article with your friends and leave me a comment below. Feel free to sign up for my Success Newsletter as well.

Topics included in this article include:

Time Management

Sense of Urgency

Stay Focused

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

5 Must Know Time Management Tools is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

Maximize Your Priorities Using the “Rule of Three”


make a list rule of three time managementDo you have trouble prioritizing all the things you need to get done? Worry no longer! Follow the “Rule of Three” for better time management of all of the things you have to get done.

No matter how many different things you do in a week or a month, there are only three tasks and activities that account for 90% of the value of the contribution you make to your business. This is known as the “Rule of Three”.

Make a List

If you make a list of everything you do in the course of a month, it will probably include 20, 30, or even 40 different tasks and responsibilities. If you review your list carefully, item by item, you will find that only three items on your entire list account for 90% of your value to your business.

The Three Magic Questions

How do you determine your “big three”? Simple. Make a list of ALL your work tasks and responsibilities, from the first day of the month to the last day, and throughout the year. Then answer these three magic questions.

1) If I could only do one thing on this list, all day long, which one activity would contribute the greatest value to my business?

Your most important task in the Rule of Three – one that accounts for the greatest contribution you can make to your business – will probably pop out at you when you make a list. It will usually be quite clear to you, as it is clear to the people around you. Put a circle around that item.

2) If I could only do two things on this list, all day long what would be the second activity that would make the greatest contribution to my business?

Usually, this item will jump out at you as well. It may require a little bit more thought, but it is usually clear and obvious.

3) If I could only do three things on this list, all day long what would be the third activity that would contribute the most value to my business?

When you make a list and analyze your answers you will clearly see that only three things you do account for almost all of the value that you contribute. Starting and completing these tasks is more important than everything else you do.

Learn more about the Rule of Three and other great time management techniques from my time management package. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MY “TIME MANAGEMENT MADE SIMPLE” TRAINING KIT.

Don’t Waste Time

Important Tip: If you do not know the answers to these three questions, you are in serious trouble. You are in great danger of wasting your time and wasting your life at work. If you do not know the answers to the Rule of Three questions, you will always end up working on lower-level value and often no-value activities.

When you are able to recognize what three tasks account for 90% of your value, it is like everything else you are doing fades away. The other tasks can be delegated, done later, or not done at all. Time management will be much easier because you will know exactly what you are working on and the value that you are contributing.

Take Action!

If you are unclear for any reason, go ask your boss. Ask what your boss thinks are your most important things that you do to make your most valuable contribution at work. Ask your coworkers. Ask your spouse. But whatever you do, you must know the answers to the Rule of Three.

Before you begin work for the day, take some time to think slowly, make a list, select your most important task, and then start work on that task to the exclusion of everything else. Time management starts with you being able to make a list and identifying your top tasks.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please share it with your friends and comment on what you read below. To learn more about time management and ways to manage your time better, DOWNLOAD MY FREE GOALS REPORT BY CLICKING HERE.

Topics included in this article include:

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

Maximize Your Priorities Using the “Rule of Three” is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

Time Management Tip: Use a PERT Chart


pert chart time management project managementDo you have a project you need to have completed by a certain deadline? Not sure how to go about planning it?

Excellent time management and project management starts by having and writing down a clear plan.

A great way to plan your projects is to create a “PERT Chart.” 

What is a PERT Chart?

When you create a visual representation of your larger tasks and projects you and others can see it in its totality. This is often called a PERT chart. This time management technique is used by the most efficient and effective companies worldwide.  This chart enables you to see a variety of ways to achieve the task with greater efficiency.

Begin by determining the goals and objectives you must achieve to enjoy the outcomes you desire.  Start with the end in mind.  Take the time to develop absolute clarity about what your goals would look like if they were accomplished in an excellent fashion.  Then, work back from the future to the present.  Make a list of the logical steps, in order, that you need to take to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Time Management Plan Using a PERT Chart

The use of a PERT chart, (“Program Evaluation Review Technique,”) sets out graphically all the steps you need to take, and when each one needs to be finished for you to achieve the final goal.

Perhaps the most powerful tool you can use to maximize your effectiveness and dramatically increase your level of accomplishment is a checklist.  A checklist consists of a written series of steps, in chronological order, which you create in advance of beginning work in the first place.

Clearly Define Your Time Management Goals

Your ability to clearly define and determine the steps that you will have to take from where you are today to the completed project is a mark of superior thinking and excellent project management.

The rule is that every minute spent in planning and creating checklists will save you ten minutes in execution and getting the job done.  This is another example of slow thinking that can dramatically increase your effectiveness and your output, and your ultimate value to your business.

This graphic is an example of a PERT chart.  There are many forms and styles available online for you to choose from.  From the time you begin using a PERT chart, you may be quite amazed at how much more you accomplish and how few hiccups or conflicts there will be between the steps.

pert chart example

How to Create a PERT Chart

1. Start With the Final Product. Draw a line with each of your objectives or goals plotted backward from the required date of completion.  Lay it out on paper so that you can see when you have to accomplish each part of the task in order to have the entire job completed on schedule.

2. Stay on Top of Your Projects. By thinking on paper, and using a PERT chart, you take complete control of the sequence of events.  You have a track to run on.  You have a series of tasks that you can check on to be sure that they are completed on schedule and to a satisfactory level of quality.  By using a PERT chart, you avoid being overwhelmed by deadlines.  You are always on top of your work and your major projects.

3. Set Your Deadline. If you need something done by the end of the month, you can set your timeline with plenty of cushion at the 15th or 20th of the month just in case unexpected delays or problems arise. Always remember Murphy’s Law, “Whatever can do wrong, will go wrong.”

Project Management Tip: The superior executive assumes that there will be problems, obstacles, unexpected delays and failures to complete the job on the schedule agreed upon.  These are normal and natural parts of business life.  Your job is to keep your hand on the pulse of the project continually, and then to solve the problems and remove the obstacles that are bound to arise.

Think Things Through in Advance

Remember, the most wonderful time management talent you have is your ability to think, especially to think things through in advance.  The more time you take to think and plan, on paper, the better results you will get, and the faster you will get those results.

Take Action

Thank you for reading my blog on time management and creating a PERT chart. If you enjoyed what you read and you want to learn more about how to achieve great success in business DOWNLOAD MY FREE E-BOOK 5 REASONS MOST PEOPLE DON’T BECOME WEALTHY HERE. 

Please share and comment your thoughts on your time management techniques. Click the button below to get my FREE e-book.

5 reasons most dont become wealthy e book

Topics included in this article include:

PERT chart

Time Management

Project Management

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

Time Management Tip: Use a PERT Chart is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

Email Overload? 4 Tips So Your Inbox Won’t Control Your Life


email overload email management managing emailYour inbox is flooding with emails all day long. What do you do? With so many things going on it can become extremely difficult to answer 20 or 30 messages a day.

Follow these time management tips to keep your inbox in check and say goodbye to letting your email control your life.

Email Overload? What Not to Do

There are some people who are slaves to their email.  They have a bell that goes off each time a new message comes in, whatever they are doing they turn immediately to their inbox to check it.

In effect, they “switch tasks” and then return to what it was they were doing, immediately losing momentum, clarity and output in their most important tasks.

You will be much more productive if you set out time to answer all of your emails at once than to answer them each as they come.

Email Management Tip #1: Answer Them All at the Same Time

When answering email, bundle them all together and do them at the same time. Don’t answer them as they come in. Do all your similar tasks at the same time rather than doing a little bit now and little bit later.

Batching your tasks simply means doing similar things at the same time.  There exists a “learning curve” in everything you do.  When you complete a series of similar or identical tasks all in a row, the learning curve enables you to reduce the time required to complete each task by as much as 80 percent by the time you complete the fifth identical task.

Managing Email Tip #2: Short and Sweet Responses

You should make a decision not to allow your inbox to control your life, like the tail wagging the dog.  Instead, discipline yourself to use your email as a business tool.  Make your responses quick and to the point.

If your responses are quick, it will free up more time to get through more emails and make all correspondence easier to read.

Email Management Tip #3: Create Labels and Filters

If you manage multiple email addresses on one account, create a filter and label for each account. This way you will know what emails are personal and which ones are business related. You can save personal messages for later without having to read through them. This will leave you to your more important tasks.

Email Management Tip #4: Check it Twice a Day

Manage your email only twice a day, or less.  Even better, leave your email off on the weekends and spend more time with your family and friends, and in your personal activities.

Check it once in the morning after you have been at work for a few hours, answer any new emails you may have. This will free up your morning for the most important things you have to do for the day.

Check it once more in the late afternoon after lunch. After that, leave it alone until tomorrow and focus on all of the other work that you have to get done.

Some of the most productive people I know have an automatic response on their email.  It says something like, “I only answer my email twice a day because of my busy schedule.  If you have sent me an email, I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.  If this is an emergency, call this number and speak to this person.”


Follow these time management tips for email and say goodbye to stressing out over that number in your inbox that is running your life.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please click the button below to get my FREE EAT THAT FROG REPORT and learn other great time management tips to help you manage your life better and be more productive.


Topics included in this article include:

email management

email management

managing email

Email Overload? 4 Tips So Your Inbox Won’t Control Your Life is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

3 Helpful Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Program Your Subconscious Mind


stop procrastinating subconscious mind task managementThe fact is that everyone procrastinates.  Everyone has too much to do and too little time. What can you do to stop procrastinating?

There are a series of techniques that you can use to overcome or at least manage wasting time.  In fact, there are libraries full of books, one or two of them written by myself, on the subject of overcoming procrastination.

But, here are some good ideas to get started.

1) Stop Procrastinating by Programming Your Subconscious Mind

Perhaps the most powerful words you can use to increase your productivity are the words; “Do it now!  Do it now!  Do it now!”

Whenever you find yourself procrastinating on an important task, repeat to yourself, with energy and enthusiasm, the words, “Do it now!  Do it now!  Do it now!”

The amazing discovery is that after you have repeated these words 10, 20, or even 100 times, you will find yourself programming your subconscious mind into starting on your most important task and completing that job before you do anything else.

Throughout the day, when you are distracted by people, emails, telephone calls and other factors, and you find yourself drifting away from your most important tasks, take control of yourself by repeating the words, “Back to work!  Back to work!  Back to work!”

2) Stop Procrastinating Using Task Management and Breaking into Small Parts

Any big task that you have to complete can be completed if you break it down into enough small parts using task management.

One of the best techniques of all is to divide your task into what are called “bite-sized pieces.”  Take a piece of paper and write down every small part of the task that you have to do, in sequence, from the first little job to the final job that completes the task.

Then, discipline yourself to do “number one” on your list.  Sometimes, the decision to take action on the first step on a large task impels you into the task and makes it easier for you to do the next step, and the next step, and the next step as well.

Sometimes just forcing yourself to start on a major task will enable you to develop the momentum and energy necessary to work right through until the task is complete.

3) Stop Procrastinating Using The Salami Slice Method

Another method to help increase productivity stop procrastinating is called the “salami slice method.”

This is similar to the method above.  Just as you would not try to eat a loaf of salami in one bite, you do not try to do a large task in one time period.  Instead, you “salami-slice” the task by breaking it down into small parts.  You then resolve to complete one small part at this time, before you go on to something else.

Each time you sit down with your major task, especially if you are overwhelmed with other pressing responsibilities, you resolve to complete one part of the task at a time.  Often this strategy will get you started on the project and make it easier to complete parts two, three, four, and so on.


Everyone procrastinates a little bit, but when you program your subconscious mind to stop procrastinating and break up your tasks you will be able to get much more done during your day.

To learn more time management tips click the button below to download my FREE EAT THAT FROG REPORT and learn what it means to eat the biggest frog first.

Topics included in this article include:

stop procrastinating

subconscious mind

task management

About Brian Tracy – Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on google+, facebook, and twitter.

3 Helpful Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Program Your Subconscious Mind is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

5 Office Organizing Tips That Will Take You From Cluttered to Productive


organizing tips how to organize your desk desk organizationOne of the great time management tips is to work from a clean desk, and in an organized workspace.

Just as an excellent chef cleans up the entire kitchen before and after cooking, you should organize your workspace completely before you begin your work. 

5 Office Organizing Tips

Follow these organizing tips and infographic to double your productivity in the office.

1) Organize Your Desktop

Put all of your documents away in the appropriate files, both physical and online.  Keep your computer desktop clean. If you cannot see your screensaver, there is too much on your screen.

2) Focus Only on Your Current Task

Deal only with your current task.  Try to have only one item in front of you whenever possible.

Many people believe that they work more effectively in a messy work environment with a cluttered desk.  However, every study that has been done with these people shows that when they are forced to clean up their work environment so that they have only one task in front of them, their productivity doubles and triples, usually over night.

3)  How to Organize Your Desk With Proper Supplies

Get organized and stay organized.  Make sure your office supplies and materials are fully stocked and available at hand.  You will find that nothing is more destructive to efficiency and effectiveness than having to start a job and then stop, and then start again, for lack of proper preparation or supplies.

4)  Declutter Your Life and Your Desk

People who work with cluttered desks are found to spend an enormous amount of each working day looking for the materials they need among the clutter around them.  Psychologically, the sight of a cluttered desk or office provides visual subconscious feedback that reinforces your perception that you are disorganized.  It leads to continuous distraction as your eyes and your attention dart from item to item, and back again.

5) Keep Your Email Organized

Keep your inbox clean and organized. If you don’t need an email, delete it. Pick a couple times during the day to answer all of your emails at once. Don’t just answer them as they come. Keep your inbox in check and don’t let email overload control your life.


When you follow these tips for yourself, at the very least, clear your work space by putting everything on the credenza behind you, or on the floor, or even in boxes.  You will be amazed at how much more productive you are as the result of simple cleanliness and a well ordered work space.

Remember: “The key to success is to always work from a clean desk.”

To learn more time management tips, so you can be ultra productive at work download my FREE REPORT EAT THAT FROG by clicking on the button below.

Free Eat That Frog Report

infographic organizing tips how to organize your desk

Infographic provided by the Dublin Office Centre


Topics included in this article include:

organizing tips

desk organization

how to organize your desk


5 Office Organizing Tips That Will Take You From Cluttered to Productive is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

Daily Habits of Successful People: It’s All About Routine


habits of successful people-good habits to form-habits of millionairesThe most successful people all have certain habits in their daily routines.

They help contribute to their success and can be considered good habits to form. It could be something simple like, setting a goal to, “Do good each day,” like Benjamin Franklin did.

It could also be something more elaborate such as spending most of your morning in bed like Winston Churchill. Churchill would wake up at 7:30am daily, eat breakfast, read his mail and newspaper until 11am.

My Favorite Habits of Millionaires

Habits of millionaires vary, but I am going to share one of my favorite daily habits of successful people with you. It is something that I use every day and has contributed greatly to my success.

It is the habit of making a list before the day begins.

Let me tell you below why it is so important…

Here are the 3 steps to planning and making your daily list.

1. Plan Your Day The Night Before

Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution. Sit down with a piece of paper and write down everything that you need to do the coming day. If for any reason you don’t do this, it should be the first thing you do every morning. When you write down a list you have a track to run on.

Writing down a list clarifies your thinking and goals…

Writing down a list forces you to think at a higher level…

If you start working from a list you increase you output 25% each day.

One of the habits of millionaires is that they start their day working from a list.

2. Set Priorities On Your List Before You Start the Day

Work from the 80/20 rule. If you have 10 items on your list of things to do, two will be the more important than all of the other items put together.

Go down your list and answer the question, “If I were to be called out of town for a month, what are the most important tasks that I must accomplish?”

Last fall I was out of the country traveling across 15 countries in 36 days. When I looked at my list of things to do before I left, I had to get my most important tasks done.

Once you identify these most important tasks, it brings us to the final step in starting your day.

3. Complete the Most Important Task First

Begin immediately on your most important task and focus on it and only it until completion.

All success in life comes from project completion and living a life of good habits will help you complete more projects.

A project with multiple tasks is called a “multi-task job”. This means that there are several smaller jobs to complete within the larger job. Organize your jobs by sequence in a checklist and start on you most important project. Complete the smaller jobs in you project, until the entire project is complete. This process is called “single handling” and it’s one of the most powerful things that you can use in managing your time. You can increase your productivity by 50% by planning, starting and completing your most important tasks every single day.


If you can develop these habits of successful people and do those three things, plan your day the night before, organize your tasks in order of importance, and complete your most important task first thing during your day. You will increase your productivity overnight.

What habits of millionaires do you practice when you start your day to make sure you are successful? Leave a comment below.

Download my FREE “Eat That Frog” Report to learn more good habits to form and immediately become more productive.

Free Report Here!

Daily Habits of Successful People: It’s All About Routine is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

8 Task Management Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done


Procrastination is a major concern for many people. Tons of time management hacks have been developed over the years by hundreds of people. Here are 8 of my favorite task management tips to help you get things done and stop procrastinating in your work and personal life.

Think about which one of these ideas could be most helpful to you right now, in your current situation.

1) Get Things Done by Thinking on Paper

Prepare thoroughly if you want to get things done. List every step of the job in advance. Break the job down into its constituent parts before you begin. Simply writing out every detail and thoroughly preparing in advance will help you to stop procrastinating.

2) Come Fully Prepared

When you sit down to work or to begin a task, make sure that you have everything on hand so that you won’t have to get up or move until the task is done. Being fully prepared is a powerful motivator for staying with the task until it is finished.

3) Do One Small Thing to get Started

There is an 80/20 rule that says that the first 20 percent of the task often accounts for 80 percent of the value of that task. This is probably what Confucius meant when he said that, ‘‘A journey of 1,000 leagues begins with a single step.’’ Once you have taken even one small step to start the job, you will often find yourself continuing on with the task to completion.

4) “Salami Slice’’ the Task

Just as you would never try to eat a whole loaf of salami at once, don’t try to take on all of a job from the start. Sometimes the best way to stop procrastinating and complete a major job is to take a small slice and complete just that piece, just as you would take a single slice of salami and eat it.

When you select a small piece of the task and then discipline yourself to do it and get it behind you, it will often give you the momentum you need to counter inertia and stop procrastinating.

Learn what the “ABCDE” method is and why it’s one of the most important techniques for time management.

5) Practice the “Swiss Cheese” Technique

Just as a block of Swiss cheese is full of holes, you treat your task like a block of cheese and you punch holes in it.

Select a five-minute part of the job and do only that. Don’t worry about the whole job.

For example, if you want to write an article or a book, break the task down into small pieces that take an identifiable amount of time to complete and do just one small piece at a time whenever you get a chance.

Many authors begin by writing one page a day. If you are doing research, you can read one article per sitting. Many people write complete books on airplanes or complete their college degrees with snatches of time between other activities. If you wrote one page a day for a year, you would have a 365-page book by the end of the year.

6) Do the Task That Causes You the Most Fear or Anxiety

Often, it has to do with overcoming the fear of failure or rejection by someone else.

In sales, it may be associated with prospecting. In management, it may be associated with disciplining or firing an employee. In relationships, this may have to do with confronting an unhappy personal situation.

In every case, you will be more effective if you deal first with whatever is causing you the greatest emotional distress or fear. Often this will break the logjam in your work and free you up mentally and emotionally to get things done.

7) Start Your Day With the Most Unpleasant Task First

Get it over with and behind you. Everything else for the rest of the day will seem easier in comparison.

A recent study compared two groups of people. One group started an exercise program in the morning. The second group started an exercise program in the evenings after work. The researchers found that the morning exercisers were much more likely to still be in the program six months later. Starting the day with exercise was much more likely to lead to the habit of regular exercise than putting it off until the end of the day when it was easier to make excuses and procrastinate.

8) Think About the Negative Consequences if you Don’t Finish

What will happen to you if this job is not done on schedule?

Both fear and desire are great motivators of human behavior. Sometimes you can motivate yourself by the desire for the rewards of task completion. Sometimes you can motivate yourself into action by thinking about the negative consequences and what will happen to you if do not get things done as promised.

What do you think about these time management tips? Have you tried any of them yourself? If you know other effective ways to stop procrastinating please share and comment below!

Click Here

How to Eat the Biggest Frog First

Learn more time management techniques from my free “Eat That Frog Report” here.

8 Task Management Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

3 Underrated Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance

work life balance

Is finding a work-life balance something that you struggle with?

The first thing to understand about work-life balance is that most people have the wrong idea of what that actually means. They think that their whole life should be balanced. That they should have a little bit of work and a little bit of play and a little bit of time on the weekends, in order to improve their quality of life.

When thinking about your quality of life, you have to ask yourself:

What do you really want to do with your life?

If the answer is that you want to be really successful in your career, you have to start a little earlier, you have to work a little harder, and you have to work a little later.

How Do You Manage Your Time?

Here’s an interesting discovery:

Almost all successful people work 6 days a week. Average people work 40, maybe even 30 hours a week. Now aside from actual time spent at work, the real problem comes down to what you accomplish while you’re at work.

Most people spend 50% of their time doing non-work related activities while they’re in the office.

Browsing social media, checking email, taking long lunch breaks, and chatting with co-workers are all examples of time-wasting behaviors. When these activities turn into habits, it becomes harder to get all of your work done in order to focus on other aspects of your life.

Here’s the key to achieving work-life balance: Choose to manage your time.

Choosing to manage your time effectively is the starting point of overcoming previous programming and eliminating mental blocks to time management. You must decide, right here and now, to become an expert in time-management in order to improve your quality of life.

Learn to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time in order to achieve work-life balance.

Work-Life Balance Tips

Your aim should be to manage your time so well, that people admire you and look to you as a role model for their own work habits.

Here are three tips for time management that will help you achieve a work-life balance and improve your quality of life:

1) Use the Power of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations, or positive self-talk, are commands that you pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, that you either say out loud or to yourself, with emotion and enthusiasm to drive the words into your subconscious mind.

Sort of like instructing yourself to follow new operating instructions.

Begin by repeating positive affirmations over and over to yourself, “I am excellent at time management! I am excellent at time management!” Or “I have a work-life balance!”

My favorite time management affirmation is, “I use my time well. I use my time well. I use my time well.”

When you repeat positive affirmations over and over, they are eventually accepted by your subconscious mind and you will find that your external behaviors will start to reflect your internal programming.

2) Visualize your Time Management Skills

Mental pictures almost immediately influence your subconscious mind. Begin to see yourself as well organized, efficient, and effective in time management.

Recall and recreate memories and pictures of yourself when you were performing at your best and getting through enormous amounts of work.

Through positive affirmations, you can create a picture of the coming event and see it unfolding perfectly in every respect. See yourself as calm, positive, happy and in complete control. See the other people doing and saying exactly what you would want them to do if the situation was perfect.

Play this picture of yourself over and over again on the screen of your mind.

3) Take Action Based on Your Visualizations

Now that you have visualized and concentrated on what your day and your future will look like with proper time management, it’s time to put it into action.

Do this by working the entire time you’re at work. When you walk into the office, you should work the entire time you’re there. Be pleasant and friendly to your co-workers, but get to work right away and work until you are finished.

By doing this, you’ll get on top of your work and will walk away feeling accomplished at the end of your day. When you don’t have lingering tasks to worry about, since you’ll have worked as hard as you could have during your time in the office, you’ll be left with plenty of quality time to spend with your friends and family after work.

If you want to learn how to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time in order to achieve work-life balance, click the button below to get my free Eat That Frog transcription.




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3 Underrated Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

4 Mental Exercises to Increase Your Time Management


Time management behaviors are very much a matter of choice:

You choose to be efficient or you choose to be disorganized. You choose to focus and concentrate on your highest-value tasks, or you choose to spend your time on activities that contribute little value to your life. You choose to be positive or you choose to be negative.

And you are always free to choose your quality of life.

The starting point of overcoming your previous programming, and eliminating the mental blocks to time management, is for you to make a clear, unequivocal decision to become excellent at the way you use your time.

Your aim should be to manage your time so well that people look up to you and use you as a role model for their own work habits.

Here are four mental exercises that you can use to increase productivity and program yourself for peak performance to improve your entire life.

1) Use Positive Affirmations

My first tip is to harness the power of positive affirmations. Positivity will change your quality of life and is the first of these methods for programming your subconscious mind is “positive self-talk,” or the use of positive affirmations.

These are commands that you pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are statements that you either say out loud or say to yourself with the emotion and enthusiasm that drives the words into your subconscious mind as new operating instructions.

Begin by repeating this positive affirmation over and over to yourself.

“I am excellent at time management! I am excellent at time management!”

Any command or positive affirmation repeated over and over again in a spirit of faith, acceptance, and belief, will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind. My favorite time management affirmation is this:

“I use my time well. I use my time well. I use my time well.”

You will then find that your external behaviors will start to reflect your internal programming to improve your work-life balance and quality of life.

2) Use Visualization to Program Your Subconscious Mind

The second technique that you can use to program your subconscious mind is through visualization. Mental pictures most immediately influence your subconscious mind. In self-image psychology, the person you see is the person you will be through positive affirmations. Begin to see yourself as well organized, efficient and effective in time management.

Recall and recreate memories and pictures of yourself when you were performing at your best. Think of a time when you were working efficiently and effectively, and getting through an enormous amount of work. Play this picture of yourself over and over again on the screen of your mind.

3) Relax, and Meditate

The third time management method is simple. First, you sit or lie in a quiet place where you can be completely alone in the silence. Through positive affirmations, imagine yourself going through an important upcoming experience, such as a meeting, a presentation, a negotiation or even a date that would improve your work-life balance and your quality of life.

As you sit or lie completely relaxed, create a picture of the coming event and see it unfolding perfectly in every respect. See yourself as calm, positive, happy and in complete control. See the other people doing and saying exactly what you would want them to do if the situation was perfect.

Here is a simple meditation technique my friend Jack Canfield uses to quiet his mind which is slightly different:

  1. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on slowing down your breathing
  2. Repeat an uplifting word or phrase
  3. Move into a state of quiet
  4. Imagine yourself surrounded by a sphere of light

4) Imagine You Are Excellent at Time Management

The fourth mental technique is to imagine that you are already excellent at time management. Imagine that you have been selected for a role in a movie or stage play.

In this role, you are to act the part of a person who is extremely well organized in every respect. As you go through your daily life, imagine you are an actor who is playing this part, who is already very good at time management. Act as if you are already using your time efficiently and well.

Pretend that you are an expert in personal efficiency and time management. When you pretend that you are excellent in time management, eventually the action, which is under your direct control, will develop the mindset or the belief in your subconscious mind.

Before we wrap up, I’d like to leave you with a thought to share with you friends and followers: Excellent time management is a source of energy, enthusiasm, and a positive mental attitude.

Now I’d love to hear from you, so my question today is: How can you apply one of these techniques to your life?

Leave a comment below, and I’ll be sure to follow up with you. Thanks for reading and remember, if you want to change your future, take action and take action now.

Pretend that you are an expert in personal efficiency and time management. Fake it until you make it. When you pretend that you are excellent in time management, eventually the action, which is under your direct control, will develop the mindset or the belief in your subconscious mind.

If you need to improve your time management skills to have a work-life balance begin using positive affirmations to visualize the quality of life that you want!

Enroll in My Brand New Course Power Productivity

If you’re looking for one of the most comprehensive and complete time management courses, I recently announced my new time management product, Power Productivity to my subscribers, but I wanted to offer the early bird sale and preview to my loyal blog readers as well. In this course, you’ll gain the skills to identify your life goals, map out your success, stay productive and eliminate procrastination entirely. And much more. Learn more about this opportunity by clicking the button below.


Video on These Time Management Techniques

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4 Mental Exercises to Increase Your Time Management is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

3 Daily Routines to Increase Your Productivity


The preparation that you make in the evening for the day ahead will have an enormous effect on how successful you are.

We’ve talked several times about the importance of thinking on paper when it comes to goal-setting and making a clear plan for your future and that’s exactly what we want to do when preparing for the day ahead.

Learn how to tackle the most common time management mistakes. Join me for my free Kickstart Your Productivity Training.

1) Always Think on Paper

Take a piece of paper and write down everything you intend to do. Include everything, even your plans to eat a healthy lunch and workout, prepare dinner for you and your family, every detail.

Then organize the piece of paper by asking yourself: “If I could only do one thing on this list today, which one thing would it be?”

And if I could only do two things which would be the second and the third? And then when you start first thing in the morning, start off with number one, and discipline yourself to work only on number one until it’s complete. Then move on to number two.

2) Don’t Check Your Email in the Morning

Checking your email in the morning makes getting off track entirely too easy. It starts with just one email, and before you know it, you’re several hours into your day and you still haven’t started on your number one task.

Keep your phone away from you or off to avoid distractions from your most important task.

Focus on your most important task for the day, work on it until it’s complete and then you can check your email and other incoming requests.

3) Make Your List of Written Tasks the Night Before

The final way for you to make sure you have a productive next day is to make this list of goals and tasks the night before.

Your ability to make good plans before you act is a measure of your overall competence. The better plan you have, the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination, to get started and then to keep going.

By writing down your goals before you go to sleep, you will think about the things you need to do and mentally prepare yourself to do them before you even wake up the next morning.

When you plan each day in advance, organize your list by priority, and stick to your plan, the work will go faster and smoother than ever before. You will feel more powerful and competent. You will get more done, faster than you thought possible. Eventually, you will become unstoppable.

Those are my 3 suggestions for increasing your day-to-day productivity. If you haven’t seen my other videos about improving your productivity and increasing your position in life, take a look.

What strategies have you used to prepare yourself for a productive day? Why did they work for you?

Join me for my free Kickstart Your Productivity training. During the training, I’ll teach you the only 6 things I recommend for achieving more in life – without adding any additional unnecessary workload to your day and much more! Click the button below to learn more.



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3 Daily Routines to Increase Your Productivity is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

5 Must Know Time Management Tools


In order to make more money, you must produce more. This is why I am going to tell you about these easy time management tools you can use to stay focused and get more done.

There are two major sources of value in the world of work today. The first is time and the second is knowledge. Today, time is the currency of modern business. By using these 5 techniques you will put yourself on the fast track to success.

1) Develop a “Sense of Urgency”

The most important measure of time is speed. The most important quality that you can develop with regard to time is a “sense of urgency.” A sense of urgency is the habit of moving fast when opportunity presents itself to you. Develop a bias for action. Fast tempo is essential to success. All successful people not only work hard, hard, hard, but they work fast, fast, fast!

Everyone must stay focused on reducing the amount of time that it takes to get the same results. Customers will pay dearly for anyone who can reduce the time needed to get them the products and services they want. People will pay more for someone who can satisfy their needs faster than someone else.

If you want continue to learn more about something less than 2% of people have, but you need if you want to get on the fast track to success, check out my YouTube video about working with a sense of urgency.

2) Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is not only the thief of time; it is the thief of life. To outperform your competition, both inside and outside your organization, you must develop the time management habit of moving quickly when something needs to be done. You must develop a reputation for speed and dependability.

Study after study shows that those individuals with the best reputation for speed and dependability are the most valued in any organization. They are very quickly promoted onto the fast track in their careers.  Learn more about how to stop procrastinating from this short YouTube video to help you stay focused.

3) Develop Good Habits

The wonderful advantage of developing a sense of urgency and the habit of moving fast is that the faster you move, the better you get. This is because the faster you move, the more experience you get. The faster you move, the more you learn and the more competent you become.

The faster you move, the more energy and enthusiasm you have. People who move fast as a way of life soon develop a totally different temperament and personality than people who move slowly, or who take a casual attitude toward their work. Learn more from my YouTube video “Two Habits for Rapid Advancement

4) Work In Real Time

Whenever possible, do your work in “real time,” as soon as it comes up. Stay focused and do it now. It is amazing how much time you can waste by picking up a task and looking at it or starting it, and then putting it down and coming back to it again and again.

As a general rule, small tasks should be done immediately, as soon as they appear. This habit of taking action quickly will enable you to get through an enormous amount of work in a day. It will earn you a reputation for being the kind of person to give jobs to when someone needs them done quickly. To learn more about getting more done and how to better prioritize your tasks, read this blog on time management.

5) Stay Focused and Produce More Value

In its simplest terms, successful people are more productive than unsuccessful people.

Successful people have better habits. They dream bigger dreams. They work from written goals. They stay focused on what they need to get done. They practice these time management tools every day. They do what they love to do and they concentrate at getting better and better at it. They use their natural abilities to the fullest. They are continually generating ideas to solve problems and to achieve company goals. They focus on using every minute of their time to get maximum results.

Above all, they are constantly looking around them for opportunities to add value to everything they do. They have a sense of urgency and a bias for action. They work all the time they work. They develop and maintain a sense of forward momentum. As a result, they soon become unstoppable.

Take Action

Here are 5 tips that you can start to do today to take action and get more done. To learn more about what you are doing with your time, download my FREE assessment on time management tools “HERE

1. Identify the most valuable things you do at work. How can you organize your time so that you do more of them?

2. Develop the habit of punctuality. Start arriving to work 15 minutes early.

3. Start one hour earlier. Organize your day so that you come in and get started one hour earlier than your coworkers. Work through lunchtime, and stay one hour later. Read my blog “4 Time Management Steps to DOUBLE Your Productivity at Work” about why this action step is so important.

4. Work all the time you work. Don’t waste a minute. If someone tries to distract you, tell him that you have to get “back to work!” and then do it.

5. Implement the “40 Hours Plus Formula.” Work on your job, or work on yourself to get better at what you do, 50-60 hours each week. Working 40 hours a week should be your minimum. If you really want to get ahead in you career you must work 40 plus hours a week.

Thank you for reading my time management blog. You will only be more successful if you work harder tomorrow than you do today.

Please share this article with your friends and leave me a comment below. Feel free to sign up for my Success Newsletter as well.

5 Must Know Time Management Tools is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

How to Set Priorities Using the ABCDE Method


The more thought you invest into setting priorities before you begin a task, the faster you will get the important things done. The more important and valuable the task is to you, the more motivated you are to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into the job.

William Matthews said, “The first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right or to the left.”

Today, I want to share a method of time-management for setting priorities that I’ve been using for years, called the ABCDE method.


The ABCDE Method

The ABCDE Method is a powerful priority setting technique that you can use every single day. This technique is so simple and effective that it can make you one of the most efficient and effective people in your field. The ABCDE list is a to-do list on steroids when it comes to learning how to prioritize.

The power of this technique lies in its simplicity because it’s so action oriented.

Here’s how it works: You start with a list of everything you have to do for the coming day. Think on paper. Once you have a list of all of the tasks you must complete, start the ABCDE method.

“A” Items Are Most Important

An A item is defined as something that is very important. This is something that you must do.

This is a task for which there can be serious consequences if you fail to do it. Consequences such as not visiting a key customer or not finishing a report for your boss that she needs for an upcoming board meeting.

These are the frogs of your life.

If you have more than one “A” task, you prioritize these tasks by writing A-1, A-2, A-3, and so on in front of each item. Your A-1 task is your biggest, ugliest frog of all.

“B” Items Only Have Minor Consequences

A B item is defined as a task that you should do. But it only has mild consequences.

These are the tadpoles of your work life. This means that someone may be unhappy or inconvenienced if you don’t do it, but it is nowhere as important as an A task. Returning an unimportant telephone message or reviewing your email would be a B task.

The rule is that you should never do a B task when there is an A task left undone. You should never be distracted by a tadpole when there is a big frog sitting there waiting to be eaten.

“C” Tasks Have No Consequencesabcde-list-sidebar-banner

A C task is something that would be nice to do, but for which there are no consequences at all, whether you do it or not.

C tasks include phoning a friend, having coffee or lunch with a coworker or completing some personal business during work hours. This sort of activity has no effect at all on your work life.

As a rule, you can never complete a C task when there are B or A tasks left undone.

“D” for Delegate

A D activity is something that you can delegate to someone else.

The rule is that you should delegate everything that you possibly can to other people. This frees up more time for you to engage in your A activities. Your A tasks and their completion, largely determine the entire course of your career.

“E” for Eliminate

An E activity is something that you should eliminate altogether.

After all, you can only get your time under control if you stop doing things that are no longer necessary for you to do.

The key to making this ABCDE Method work is for you to now discipline yourself to start immediately on your “A-1” task. Stay at it until it is complete. Use your willpower to get going on this one job, the single most important task you could possibly be doing.

Eat the whole frog and don’t stop until it’s finished completely.

Spend Your Time on Valuable Activities

Your ability to think through and analyze your work list to determine your “A-1” task is the springboard to higher levels of accomplishment. It also leads to greater self-esteem, self-respect and personal pride.

When you develop the habit of concentrating on your “A-1,” you will start getting more done than other people around you.

Make a rule for yourself to never do anything that isn’t on your list. If a new task or project comes up, write it down on your list and set a priority for it before you start work on it.

If you react and respond to the nonstop demands on your time, you will quickly lose control of your day.  You end up spending most of your time on activities of low or no value.

Practice the ABCDE Method

Review you work list right now and put an A, B, C, D, or E next to each task or activity. Select your A-1 job or project and begin on it immediately. Discipline yourself to do nothing else until this one job is complete. It will become one of the best time-management tools you can use.

Practice this ABCDE Method every day and on every work or project list, before you begin work, for the next month. By that time, you will have developed the habit of setting and working on your highest priority tasks. Your future will be assured!

How did using this ABCDE technique impact your time management?

Leave a comment below, and I’ll be sure to follow up with you.

Access my most powerful priority-setting technique & how to put it to use each day. Download my ABCDE Method Checklist Tool  and learn how to evaluate your tasks more effectively.

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How to Set Priorities Using the ABCDE Method is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

Time Management Tips That Will Make You a Productivity Master


Success in almost everything involves time management. It seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything that you need to do accomplished, but if you want to achieve much more than others in a shorter amount of time, you must improve how you manage that time.

Time management refers to how you schedule and organize your time for different activities. There are many different tools, and techniques to help you get more done in less time.

Here are some time management tips that will help you organize and manage the 24 hours in your day as efficiently as possible.

Learn more time management tips from my free Kickstart Your Productivity Webinar.

The Importance of Time Management

Time is your most precious resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of higher value.

All work requires time.

The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management and increase productivity immediately.

I used to think that time management was only a business tool, like a calculator or a cell phone.

It was something that you used to increase productivity and eventually be paid more money. Then I learned that time management is not a peripheral activity or skill. It is the core skill upon which everything else in life depends.

Eat That Frog!

“The first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog.” – Mark Twain

Mark Twain once said that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat that frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worse things that is going to happen to you all day long.

Your “frog” is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don’t do something about it.

If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. This is another way of saying that if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first.

Discipline yourself to begin immediately and then to persist until the task is complete before you go on to something else.

If You Have To Eat A Live Frog At All, It Doesn’t Pay To Sit And Look At It For Very Long

The key to reaching high levels of time management, performance, and productivity is to develop the lifelong habit of tackling your major task first thing each morning.

You must develop the routine of “eating your frog” before you do anything else and without taking too much time to think about it.

Successful, effective people are those who launch directly into their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and single-mindedly until those tasks are complete.

“Failure to execute” is one of the biggest problems in organizations today. Many people confuse activity with accomplishment. They talk continually, hold endless meetings, and make wonderful plans, but in the final analysis, no one does the job and gets the results required.

There Are No Shortcuts

Practice is the key to mastering any skill.

Fortunately, your mind is like a muscle. It grows stronger and more capable with use. With practice, you can learn any behavior or develop any habit that you consider either desirable or necessary.

What is your “frog?” What is the one task that you despise doing each day? Once you have chosen your “frog” make it a habit to wake up every morning and do that task first.

How to Manage Time Effectively

In order to make more money, you must learn how to manage time effectively. There are two major sources of value in the world of work today. The first is time and the second is knowledge.

Today, time is the currency of modern business. By using these 5 techniques to manage your time, you will put yourself on the fast track to success.

1. Develop A Sense Of Urgency

The most important measure of time is speed. The most important quality that you can develop with regard to time management is a “sense of urgency.”

A sense of urgency is the habit of moving fast when opportunity presents itself to you. Develop a bias for action. Fast tempo is essential to success. All successful people not only work hard, hard, hard, but they work fast, fast, fast!

2. Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is not only the thief of time; it is the thief of life. You must develop the time management habit of moving quickly when something needs to be done. You must develop a reputation for speed and dependability.

As a general rule, small tasks should be done immediately, as soon as they appear. This habit of taking action quickly will enable you to get through an enormous amount of work in a day. It will earn you a reputation for being the kind of person to give jobs to when someone needs them done quickly.

3. Work In Real Time

Whenever possible, do your work in “real time,” as soon as it comes up. Stay focused and do it now. It is amazing how much time you can waste by picking up a task and looking at it or starting it, and then putting it down and coming back to it again and again.

General Time Management Skills

The preparation that you make in the evening for the day ahead will have an enormous effect on how successful you are. Here are some general time management skills that anyone can do that will help you get more done.

1. Always Think On Paper

Take a piece of paper and write down everything you intend to do. Include everything, even your plans to eat a healthy lunch and workout, prepare dinner for you and your family, every detail.

Then organize the piece of paper by asking yourself: “If I could only do one thing on this list today, which one thing would it be?”

And if I could only do two things which would be the second and the third? And then when you start first thing in the morning, start off with number one, and discipline yourself to work only on number one until it’s complete. Then move on to number two.

2. Avoid Distractions Like Email and Media

Checking your email in the morning makes getting off track entirely too easy. It starts with just one email, and before you know it, you’re several hours into your day and you still haven’t started on your number one task.

Keep your phone away from you or off to avoid distractions from your most important task.

3. Make Your List Of Written Tasks The Night Before

The final way for you to make sure you have a productive next day is to make this list of goals and tasks the night before.

Your ability to make good plans before you act is a measure of your overall competence. The better plan you have, the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination, to get started and then to keep going.

By writing down your goals before you go to sleep, you will think about the things you need to do and mentally prepare yourself to do them before you even wake up the next morning.

When you plan each day in advance, organize your list by priority, and stick to your plan, the work will go faster and smoother than ever before. You will feel more powerful and competent. You will get more done, faster than you thought possible. Eventually, you will become unstoppable.

Time Management Tool: Make a To-Do-List

Make a To-Do-List for Every Day

When you consider how helpful planning can be in increasing your productivity and performance, it is amazing how few people practice it every single day. And planning is really quite simple to do. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen.

The most sophisticated technology, time management apps are based on the same principle. Making a list is one of the best time management tools you can develop.

Make Your To-Do-Lists a Habit

Always work from a list. When something new comes up, add it to the list before you do it. You can increase your productivity and output by 25% or more from the first day that you begin working consistently from a list.

Make out your list the night before, at the end of the workday. Move everything that you have not yet accomplished onto your list for the coming day and then add everything that you have to do the next day.

When you make out your list the evening or the night before, your subconscious mind works on your list all night long while you sleep. Often you will wake up with great ideas and insights that you can use to get your job done faster and better than you had initially thought.

The more time you take to make written lists of everything you have to do, in advance, the more effective and efficient you will be.

Types of To-Do-Lists

There are different lists that you need for different purposes. First, you should create a master list on which you write down everything you can think of that you want to do sometime in the future. This is the place where you capture every idea that comes to or every new task or responsibility that comes up.  You can then sort out the items later.

Second, you should have a monthly list that you make up at the end of the month for the month ahead. This may contain items transferred from your master list.

Third, you should have a weekly list where you plan your entire week in advance. This is a list that is under construction as you go through the current week.

Finally, you transfer items from your monthly and weekly lists onto your daily list. These are the specific activities that you are going to accomplish that day.

Check Off Your Completed Tasks

As you work through the day, tick off the items on your list as you complete them. This activity gives you a visual picture of accomplishment. It generates a feeling of success and forward motion.  Seeing yourself working progressively through your list motivates and energizes you. It raises your self-esteem and self-respect. Steady, visible progress propels you forward and helps you to overcome procrastination.

Time Management Tools for The Office

One of the great time management tips is to work from a clean desk, and in an organized workspace. Just as an excellent chef cleans up the entire kitchen before and after cooking, you should organize your workspace completely before you begin your work.

1. Organize Your Desktop

Put all of your documents away in the appropriate files, both physical and online.  Keep your computer desktop clean. If you cannot see your screensaver, there is too much on your screen.

Many people believe that they work more effectively in a messy work environment with a cluttered desk.  However, every study that has been done with these people shows that when they are forced to clean up their work environment so that they have only one task in front of them, their productivity doubles and triples, usually overnight.

2. How To Organize Your Desk With Proper Supplies

Get organized and stay organized.  Make sure your office supplies and materials are fully stocked and available at hand.  You will find that nothing is more destructive to efficiency and effectiveness than having to start a job and then stop, and then start again, for lack of proper preparation or supplies.

People who work with cluttered desks, are found to spend an enormous amount of each working day looking for the materials they need among the clutter around them. Psychologically, the sight of a cluttered desk or office provides visual subconscious feedback that reinforces your perception that you are disorganized.  It leads to continuous distraction as your eyes and your attention dart from item to item, and back again.

Learn more time management tips from my free Kickstart Your Productivity Webinar.

Time Management Tools for Email

Keep your inbox clean and organized. If you don’t need an email, delete it. Pick a couple times during the day to answer all of your emails at once. Don’t just answer them as they come.

There are some people who are slaves to their email. They have a bell that goes off each time a new message comes in, whatever they are doing they turn immediately to their inbox to check it.

In effect, they “switch tasks” and then return to what it was they were doing, immediately losing momentum, clarity and output on their most important tasks.

You will be much more productive if you set out time to answer all of your emails at once than to answer them each as they come.

Answer All of Your Emails at the Same Time

When answering email, bundle them all together and do them at the same time. Don’t answer them as they come in. Do all your similar tasks at the same time rather than doing a little bit now and a little bit later.

Batching your tasks simply means doing similar things at the same time. There exists a “learning curve” in everything you do. When you complete a series of similar or identical tasks all in a row, the learning curve enables you to reduce the time required to complete each task by as much as 80 percent by the time you complete the fifth identical task.

Keep Your Emails Short and Sweet

You should make a decision not to allow your inbox to control your life, like the tail wagging the dog. Instead, discipline yourself to use your email as a business tool. Make your responses quick and to the point.

If your responses are quick, it will free up more time to get through more emails and make all correspondence easier to read.

Create Email Folders

If you manage multiple email addresses on one account, create a filter and label for each account. This way you will know what emails are personal and which ones are business related. You can save personal messages for later without having to read through them. This will leave you with your more important tasks.

Check Your Email Twice a Day

Manage your email only twice a day or less. Even better, leave your email off on the weekends and spend more time with your family and friends, and in your personal activities.

Check it once in the morning after you have been at work for a few hours, answer any new emails you may have. This will free up your morning for the most important things you have to do for the day.

Check it once more in the late afternoon after lunch. After that, leave it alone until tomorrow and focus on all of the other work that you have to get done.

Some of the most productive people I know have an automatic response to their email. It says something like, “I only answer my email twice a day because of my busy schedule. If you have sent me an email, I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. If this is an emergency, call this number and speak to this person.”

Time Management Tips to Avoid

It is important that you never trust to luck when you plan a project. Hope is not a strategy. Remember the words of Napoleon, when he was asked if he believed in luck. He said, “Yes, I believe in luck. I believe in bad luck. And I believe that I will always have it, so I plan accordingly.”

There are four main problems in time management. Each of them can be avoided by taking the time to think carefully before embarking on a new project.

1. Not Allowing Enough Time

The first is not allowing enough time to complete a multi-task job. This is the primary reason why projects fail and people’s careers get sidetracked or torpedoed. They hope for the best, trust to luck and don’t allow a sufficient cushion of time to complete every step of the project. As a result, the project fails.

2. Assuming the Best

The second problem is assuming that everything will work out all right.

“Errant assumptions lie at the root of every failure.” – Alex McKenzie

Never assume that everything will work out all right. Assume that you are going to have problems. Allow yourself sufficient time and resources to solve those problems and keep the project on schedule.

3. Rushing at the End

The third problem in time management is when you end up rushing at the end. When you rush to complete a project, because you have run out of time or money, you almost invariably make mistakes and do poor quality work that you have to go back and correct later. It actually takes less time to finish a project correctly if you work at it slowly and steadily and do it properly in the first place.

4. Trying to Do Several Things at Once

The fourth problem in project management is trying to do several things at once, and you ending up doing nothing well. You either take on too much at a time, including too many responsibilities yourself, or you assign too many responsibilities to other people. In either case, various parts of the project fall through the cracks and sometimes all the effort is lost. Do things one at a time, and do each thing well before moving to the next task.

Time Management Prioritization Techniques

The more thought you invest into setting priorities before you begin a task, the faster you will get the important things done. The more important and valuable the task is to you, the more motivated you are to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into the job. Try these prioritization techniques.

“The first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right or to the left.” – William Matthews

Time Management Tool: The ABCDE Method

The ABCDE Method is a powerful priority setting technique that you can use every single day. This technique is so simple and effective that it can make you one of the most efficient and effective people in your field. The ABCDE list is a to-do list on steroids when it comes to learning how to prioritize.

The power of this technique lies in its simplicity because it’s so action oriented.

Here’s how it works: You start with a list of everything you have to do for the coming day. Think on paper. Once you have a list of all of the tasks you must complete, start the ABCDE method.

“A” Items Are Most Important

An A item is defined as something that is very important. This is something that you must do.


This is a task for which there can be serious consequences if you fail to do it. Consequences such as not visiting a key customer or not finishing a report for your boss that she needs for an upcoming board meeting.

These are the frogs of your life.

If you have more than one “A” task, you prioritize these tasks by writing A-1, A-2, A-3, and so on in front of each item. Your A-1 task is your biggest, ugliest frog of all.

“B” Items Only Have Minor Consequences

A B item is defined as a task that you should do. But it only has mild consequences.

These are the tadpoles of your work life. This means that someone may be unhappy or inconvenienced if you don’t do it, but it is nowhere as important as an A task. Returning an unimportant telephone message or reviewing your email would be a B task.

The rule is that you should never do a B task when there is an A task left undone. You should never be distracted by a tadpole when there is a big frog sitting there waiting to be eaten.

“C” Tasks Have No Consequences

A C task is something that would be nice to do, but for which there are no consequences at all, whether you do it or not.

C tasks include phoning a friend, having coffee or lunch with a coworker or completing some personal business during work hours. This sort of activity has no effect at all on your work life.

As a rule, you can never complete a C task when there are B or A tasks left undone.

“D” For Delegate

A D activity is something that you can delegate to someone else.

The rule is that you should delegate everything that you possibly can to other people. This frees up more time for you to engage in your A activities. Your A tasks and their completion, largely determine the entire course of your career.

“E” For Eliminate

An E activity is something that you should eliminate altogether.

After all, you can only get your time under control if you stop doing things that are no longer necessary for you to do.

The key to making this ABCDE Method work is for you to now discipline yourself to start immediately on your “A-1” task. Stay at it until it is complete. Use your willpower to get going on this one job, the single most important task you could possibly be doing.

Eat the whole frog and don’t stop until it’s finished completely.

Spend Your Time On Valuable Activities

Your ability to think through and analyze your worklist to determine your “A-1” task is the springboard to higher levels of accomplishment. It also leads to greater self-esteem, self-respect and personal pride.

When you develop the habit of concentrating on your “A-1,” you will start getting more done than other people around you.

Make a rule for yourself to never do anything that isn’t on your list. If a new task or project comes up, write it down on your list and set a priority for it before you start work on it.

If you react and respond to the nonstop demands on your time, you will quickly lose control of your day.  You end up spending most of your time on activities of low or no value.

Review you work list right now and put an A, B, C, D, or E next to each task or activity. Select your A-1 job or project and begin on it immediately. Discipline yourself to do nothing else until this one job is complete. It will become one of the best time management tools you can use.

Time management behaviors are very much a matter of choice:

You choose to be efficient or you choose to be disorganized. You choose to focus and concentrate on your highest-value tasks, or you choose to spend your time on activities that contribute little value to your life. You choose to be positive or you choose to be negative.

And you are always free to choose your quality of life.

The starting point of overcoming your previous programming, and eliminating the mental blocks to time management, is for you to make a clear, unequivocal decision to become excellent at the way you use your time.

Your aim should be to manage your time so well that people look up to you and use you as a role model for their own work habits.

Here are four mental exercises that you can use to increase productivity and program yourself for peak performance to improve your entire life.

Time Management for Work-Life Balance

Finding work-life balance is hugely important. You must be able to balance your career and your home life. Time management is a great way to better achieve this. Here are four time management tips for work-life balance.

1. Use Positive Affirmations

My first tip is to harness the power of positive affirmations. Positivity will change your quality of life and is the first of these methods for programming your subconscious mind is “positive self-talk,” or the use of positive affirmations.

These are commands that you pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are statements that you either say out loud or say to yourself with the emotion and enthusiasm that drives the words into your subconscious mind as new operating instructions.

Begin by repeating this positive affirmation over and over to yourself.

“I am excellent at time management! I am excellent at time management!”

Any command or positive affirmation repeated over and over again in a spirit of faith, acceptance, and belief, will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind. My favorite time management affirmation is this:

“I use my time well. I use my time well. I use my time well.”

You will then find that your external behaviors will start to reflect your internal programming to improve your work-life balance and quality of life.

2. Use Visualization To Program Your Subconscious Mind

The second technique that you can use to program your subconscious mind is through visualization. Mental pictures most immediately influence your subconscious mind. In self-image psychology, the person you see is the person you will be through positive affirmations. Begin to see yourself as well organized, efficient and effective in time management.

Recall and recreate memories and pictures of yourself when you were performing at your best. Think of a time when you were working efficiently and effectively, and getting through an enormous amount of work. Play this picture of yourself over and over again on the screen of your mind.

3. Relax, And Meditate

The third time management method is simple. First, you sit or lie in a quiet place where you can be completely alone in the silence. Through positive affirmations, imagine yourself going through an important upcoming experience, such as a meeting, a presentation, a negotiation or even a date that would improve your work-life balance and your quality of life.

As you sit or lie completely relaxed, create a picture of the coming event and see it unfolding perfectly in every respect. See yourself as calm, positive, happy and in complete control. See the other people doing and saying exactly what you would want them to do if the situation was perfect.

Here is a simple meditation technique my friend Jack Canfield uses to quiet his mind which is slightly different:

  1. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on slowing down your breathing
  2. Repeat an uplifting word or phrase
  3. Move into a state of quiet
  4. Imagine yourself surrounded by a sphere of light

4. Imagine You Are Excellent At Time Management

The fourth mental technique is to imagine that you are already excellent at time management. Imagine that you have been selected for a role in a movie or stage play.

In this role, you are to act the part of a person who is extremely well organized in every respect. As you go through your daily life, imagine you are an actor who is playing this part, who is already very good at time management. Act as if you are already using your time efficiently and well.

Pretend that you are an expert in personal efficiency and time management. When you pretend that you are excellent in time management, eventually the action, which is under your direct control, will develop the mindset or the belief in your subconscious mind.

People resolve, over and over again, to get serious about time management by focusing, setting better priorities and overcoming procrastination. They intend to get serious about time management sometime, but unfortunately, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Time Management Motivation

For you to develop sufficient desire to develop time management and organizational skills, you must be intensely motivated by the benefits you feel you will enjoy. You must want the results badly enough to overcome the natural inertia that keeps you doing things the same old way.

If everyone agrees that excellent time management is a desirable skill, why is it that so few people can be described as “well organized, effective and efficient?” Over the years, I have found that many people have ideas about time management that are simply not true.

Here is the key: Structure and organize everything that you possibly can.

Think ahead, plan for contingencies, prepare thoroughly, and focus on specific results. Only then can you be completely relaxed and spontaneous when the situation changes.

The better organized you are in the factors that are under your control, the greater freedom and flexibility you have to quickly make changes whenever they are necessary.

Introducing My Brand New Course Power Productivity

If you’re looking for one of the most comprehensive and complete time management courses, I’d like to introduce you to my new time management course, Power Productivity. In this course, you’ll gain the skills to identify your life goals, map out your success, stay productive and eliminate procrastination entirely. And much more.

Learn more about this opportunity by clicking the button below. Do you have any time management tecniques that you swear by? Leave a comment below.


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